110 different people played 59 games of Puerto Rico this year. This was an increase of 10 people and 20 games over last year’s tournament. Thanks everyone for your support!
Congratulations Kevin!
In a close final game, Brad Sherwood edged out Ed Gilliand 41 to 40 for the championship.
3rd through 6th place are: Ricky Boyes, David Platnick, David Borton & Pieter Villion

The tournament has 3 preliminary rounds. Winners and a few of the best non-winners advance to a quarterfinal round that multi-game winners get a bye to skip. The multigame winners and best quarterfinalists form 4 tables for the semifinal round. The 4 winners are matched in the final round.
Here is a transcript of the final game:
Turn | Seat | Role | Seat 1: Brad Sherwood | Seat 2: Ricky Boyes | Seat 3: David Platnick | Seat 4: Ed Gilliand | Plantations/Ships |
1 | 1 | Settler | q | c | s | t | is discarded. 2i2st |
2 | Mayor | q | ci | c | c | 4 on ship | |
3 | Builder | Small Market (0) | No build | Small Sugar (1) | Small Market (1) | ||
4 | Prospector | 1$ | |||||
2 | 2 | Settler | s | q | t | s | 2i discarded. c2s2k |
3 | Mayor | SmMkt, q | q, c | SmSugar, s, c | SmMarket, c | 4 on ship | |
4 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
1 | Builder | SmSugar(0) | SmIndigo(0) | Pass | SmSugar(2) | ||
3 | 3 | Craftsman | c | $2, cs, c | c | ||
4 | Captain | c(1vp) | 2c(2vp), s(1vp) 7ship | $2, c(2vp) 6ship | 4c6ship, s7ship | ||
1 | Trader | $2 | No trades | ||||
2 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
4 | 4 | Builder | Coffee Roaster($5) | Large Market($4) | Pass | $1, Tobacco Storage($4) | |
1 | Settler | $1, k | c | k | s | s discarded, 3cst | |
2 | Mayor | 1, c, q, CofRst | $1, 2, c empty | 1, t empty | 1, t, c & TobStr | 7 on ship | |
3 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
5 | 1 | Mayor | 3, empty i, CfRst | 2, +1 | 2, +1 | 1, c, t, TbStr, SmMkt | 4 on ship |
2 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
3 | Builder | SmIndigo($0) | SmWharehouse($2) | Tobacco Storage($4) | Pass | ||
4 | Settler | c | c | c | t | s discard, cistk | |
6 | 2 | Craftsman | cs | $2, 2ci, i | cs | ct | |
3 | Trader | k$5 | i$3 | $2, s$3 | t$4 | Trade House Clears | |
4 | Captain | s(1vp) | i(1vp), dump c | $2, c(2vp) | 6ship clears, i5ship, 2s7ship |
1 | Builder | Harbor($7) | Hacienda ($1) | Coffee Roaster($6) | Factory($7) | Brad may have paid $6 by mistake | |
7 | 3 | Mayor | 1, SmMkt, iIndigo empty | 1, Hacienda empty | $1, 2, kKtTsSc | 1, SmMkt, tT, c, Factory | 10 on ship. David left 1 off as he hadn’t put in San Juan |
4 | Settler | c | s | t | $1, q | ik discarded, is3k | |
1 | Prospector | $2 | |||||
2 | Trader | c$3 | c on trade house | ||||
8 | 4 | Mayor | 3, cK empty | 2, full | 2, TK empty | 4, sTT empty | 5 on ship, David sees extra colonist & places |
1 | Captain | $1 | c(1vp)6ship | ion5,con6, 2son7 | |||
2 | Builder | Pass | $1, Harbor($6) | Pass | Pass | ||
3 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
9 | 1 | Settler | $1, q | Hacienda i, i | k | s | |
2 | Builder | Pass | LgIndigo($1) | Pass | SmIndigo($0) | ||
3 | Trader | $1 | No trades | ||||
4 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
10 | 2 | Mayor | 1, cK empty | $1, 3, si, Hacienda empty | 1, TK empty | 1,2sIT empty | 7 on boat |
3 | Settler | c | i | q | t | 2t discarded, 2i2sk | |
4 | Builder | Pass | Sm Sugar($1) | Pass | SmWharehouse($1) | ||
1 | Craftsman | $3, csik,s | 3c3i | 2cs2tk | cs2t$2 | ||
11 | 3 | Trader | s$3 | $1, k$5 | t$4 | trade house clears | |
4 | Captain | c(2vp),s(2vp),i(2vp) | 4c(5vp),3i(4vp) | s(1vp), rot t2c | $2, c(2vp),s(1vp) | 5 & 6 ship clear. 5s on 7 ship | |
1 | Builder | Guild Hall ($7) | Pass | Pass | City Hall ($9) | ||
2 | Prospector | $2 | |||||
12 | 4 | Trader | k($5) | t($5) | kt on trade office | ||
1 | Builder | Customs House($7) | Pass | Pass | Pass | ||
2 | Settler | k | $1, q | i | i | 2s discarded, cittk put out, but later. | |
3 | Mayor | 2, 2c, Guild Hall, Customs House empty | 1, 2i, 2I, Hacienda empty | $1, 3, T empty | 2, t2s, City Hall, SmWhr empty | 9 on ship | |
13 | 1 | Mayor | 4, full | 2, iI, Hacienda empty | 2, 1 extra | 2, t2sT empty | 4 on ship |
2 | Craftsman | 3cis2k | $2, 3c3is, i | 2cs2t2k | cis2t$3 | ||
3 | Captain | s(2vp), 2k(3vp), rot 3c | s(2vp), rot2c | $1, 2k (3vp), 3t(3vp), rot 2c | 2t(2vp), rot ci | clear 5 & 7 ship. 4k on 6ship | |
4 | Builder | Pass | Factory($5) | Residence($9) | Fortress($8) | ||
14 | 2 | Captain | i(2vp) | 4i(6vp)7ship | s(1vp)5ship | i(1vp), s(1vp) | no rotting, no clearing, 2s on 5ship, 4k on 6ship, 6i on 7ship |
3 | Settler | i | t | $, q | c | tk discarded, 2i2sk | |
4 | Prospector | $3 | |||||
1 | Trader | $1 | c($2) | ctk on Trade House. Why not Builder? | |||
15 | 3 | Builder | LgIndigo($1) | Tobacco Storage($3) | $1, LgIndigo($1) | Hacienda($1) | |
4 | Mayor | 1, 3I empty | 1, 2i, 2I, 2T, Hacienda empty | 1, 2I, T empty | $1, 2, t, 2s, T, Hacienda empty | 12 left, need 13 for boat. Triggers game end | |
1 | Prospector | $1 | |||||
2 | Craftsman | 2cis2k. Brad took 3c, but only 2 should have been left for him. | $1, 3c2ist$3, t | 2cis2t2k | 2cis2t$3 in game Ed only took 1c | End Game | |
Bids | -1 | 0 | -2 | -1 | |||
VP for shipping | 14 | 19 | 12 | 11 | |||
VP for Buildings | 19 | 17 | 13 | 19 | |||
Bonus VP | 9 | 0 | 5 | 11 | |||
Total | 41 – 1st Place | 36 – 3rd Place | 28 – 4th Place | 40 – 2nd Place |
Watch for photos and video of the final game soon!
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