WBC 2011 Yspahan Final Game Week 2

Day 1

Andy grabs the corner spots in both the barrel and vase districts. Rob grabs the other, sack, corner and plays a card for 3 gold and builds the Shop. Eric takes a card.

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 1

Rob: Andy has the right card for going first.

Day 2

Rob moves the sack corner to the caravan. Eric burns a card and places 2 in the coffin district. Andy places 3 in the sack district to get some of the remaining street property.

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 2

Rob: starting to hurt not having camels

Day 3

Eric takes 3 camels. Andy moves 1 to the caravan for a point & card, saving his camels. Rob moves 1 to the caravan for a card and also gives up the position.

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 3

Day 4

Andy cashes in on the double corner to move 2 to the caravan, saving the position with 2 camels and playing a card to move another cube to the caravan. This scores the caravan with Andy getting 12 points (Rob: 8, Eric: 1). Rob takes a card.

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 4 red

Eric moves a cube to the now empty caravan, spending a camel to save the position. He builds the Hammam with 2 cards for 0 camels and 0 gold!

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 4 blue

Rob: This was bad since Andy finshed off the top of the track and I could not get a triple score with my 4 cubes on the track

Day 5

With five 4’s, Rob takes a big position in the chest district. Eric puts 2 more in the caravan (card for the second). Andy moves 1 to the caravan’s second row.

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 5

Rob: Took over the 8pt souk and love to place a lone cube to block others from using later

Day 6

Eric and Rob each move 1 to the caravan. Andy takes 4 camels (with a discard for the last one).

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 3 Day 6

Day 7

Andy grabs the 12-point souk in the vase district (discarding a card to fill it) and builds the Hammam. Rob takes 3 gold, plays the 3 camel card and also builds the Hammam. Eric moves to the third row on the camel track, so each of his 5 cubes on the track will score 3 points.

Yspahan 2011 WBC Final Week 2 Day 7

The score is now Rob: 43, Andy: 40, Eric: 30.


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